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   International Medical Insurance for Immigrants and International Citizens

Many American citizens receive their health benefits through their employer, but what about coverage for those who aren't citizens? Cordell offers a number of international medical insurance plans for immigrants and international citizens under any situation, and covers both short-term and long-term health coverage solutions.

Inbound Immigrant (Immigrant Medical): This international medical insurance plan is ideal for anyone exploring permanent residency in the United States. This plan provides up to five years of protection for any immigrant new to the US, and is designed specifically to cover the time period between a person's arrival and when they are eligible for traditional health care coverage.

Reside Worldwide (Worldwide Health): Are you an international citizen with plans to live all over the world? Th international medical insurance plan was designed with you in mind. This plan is a competitively priced, benefit-laden package that offers coverage up to $5,000,000 that extends worldwide. It's perfect for any non-US residents or anyone planning on traveling abroad for years at a time.

Reside Prime (Worldwide Health): Like the Reside Worldwide international medical insurance plan, the Reside Prime plan is designed specifically for international citizens. Reside Prime features a more comprehensive benefit package than the Reside Worldwide plan, including maternity, new born, and mental/nervous benefits. Reside Prime holders can receive complete treatment while traveling in another country; however, coverage in the United States is limited to six months.

Every international medical insurance plan has its own unique combination of benefits, rates, and coverage terms. The best way to determine the right plan for you is by talking with a Cordell representative about your situation. Contact us today to see which international medical insurance plan best matches your needs.